Calf press on leg press (seated)

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Exercise overview

Primary muscle group: Legs

Exercise type: Machine

Exercise goal: Strength

Key metric: Weight

Average per rep (kg)*: 74

Average per rep (lbs)*: 163

Description: Sit and Position: Sit in the leg press machine with your back firmly against the back support. Place your feet flat in the center of the platform and hold the handles for stability. Extend to Starting Position: Push the platform upwards until your knees are almost fully extended. Feet Placement: Move the balls of your feet to the bottom edge of the platform so that your arches and heels extend off. Calf Raise Up: Exhale as you extend your ankles to push the platform up. Hold and Squeeze: Hold for two seconds and squeeze your calves. Lower and Stretch: Inhale while flexing your ankles to lower the platform until you feel a mild stretch in your calves. Pause: Hold for a moment to let the elastic energy in your calves dissipate. Repeat: Begin the next repetition. Continue to repeat in a controlled manner, counting your reps.

Exercise ID: 00049

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*Remark: The average values are calculated based on exercise data from the Blaze community. For more statistics and analysis, please download the Blaze app.

Calf press on leg press (seated)

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Works on iOS 15.0 and above.