Cross body crunch

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Exercise overview

Primary muscle group: Core

Exercise type: Bodyweight

Exercise goal: Strength

Key metric: Repetitions

Average reps per set*: 465

Description: Starting Position: Lie flat on your back on a yoga mat. Bend your knees and place your feet firmly on the mat, hip-width apart. Ensure your spine is in a neutral position. Leg Position: Turn your left leg outward and rest your left ankle on your right thigh, just above the knee. Hand Position: Place your hands behind your earlobes. Slowly lift your head and shoulder blades off the floor. Engage Core: Draw your belly button in towards your spine to engage your abdominal muscles. Twist your torso to the right so that your right elbow touches the floor beside you. Twist and Crunch: Exhale as you bring your right elbow across your body towards your left knee. Keep your lower body as still as possible. Return to Start: Inhale and slowly release your torso, returning to the starting position. Repetitions: Complete half of the specified repetitions on one side before switching and completing the remaining reps on the other side.

Exercise ID: 00063

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*Remark: The average values are calculated based on exercise data from the Blaze community. For more statistics and analysis, please download the Blaze app.

Cross body crunch

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Works on iOS 15.0 and above.