Front box squat with barbell

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Exercise overview

Primary muscle group: Legs

Exercise type: Barbell

Exercise goal: Strength

Key metric: Weight

Average per rep (kg)*: 36

Average per rep (lbs)*: 79

Description: Load a barbell on a rack at upper-chest level. Step under the barbell so that it rests on the front of your shoulders and your hands are crossed over the barbell to keep it stable. Spread your feet wider than shoulder width apart. Point your feet and knees out diagonally in the same direction. Inhale as you slowly squat by pushing your hips backward and then your knees outward. Keep your torso upright. When your butt touches the box, stop and hold for one second. Do not sit on the box and rock backward. Exhale as you spring back upward without rocking forward.Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.

Exercise ID: 00102

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*Remark: The average values are calculated based on exercise data from the Blaze community. For more statistics and analysis, please download the Blaze app.

Front box squat with barbell

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