Stationary bike

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Exercise overview

Primary muscle group: Legs

Exercise type: Machine

Exercise goal: Cardio

Key metric: Duration

Average duration per set*: 0:15:02 (h:mm:ss)

Description: Seat Adjustment: Sit on the stationary bike and adjust the seat height so that your legs are slightly bent at the bottom of the pedal stroke. Start the Bike: Begin pedaling to turn on the bike's console if necessary. Select Settings: Choose your desired workout setting from the menu, either manual or from pre-set programs. Enter Information: Input your age and weight to get an estimate of the calories burned during your session. Adjust Resistance: Set your initial resistance level, and remember you can adjust it during the workout to vary the intensity. Monitor Heart Rate: Use the handles to track your heart rate and ensure you are working out at an appropriate intensity level. Begin Cycling: Start pedaling at a moderate pace and maintain a steady rhythm. Cool Down: Towards the end of your workout, gradually reduce your intensity to cool down.

Exercise ID: 00157

Community rating:

*Remark: The average values are calculated based on exercise data from the Blaze community. For more statistics and analysis, please download the Blaze app.

Stationary bike

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Works on iOS 15.0 and above.