Leg press on machine with one leg

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Exercise overview

Primary muscle group: Legs

Exercise type: Machine

Exercise goal: Strength

Key metric: Weight

Average per rep (kg)*: 66

Average per rep (lbs)*: 145

Description: Load the Sled: Position an appropriate weight on the sled based on your fitness level. Seat Yourself: Sit comfortably on the machine. Place one foot firmly on the platform in line with your hip. The other foot remains on the ground. Positioning: Keep your spinal alignment neutral. Ensure your head and chest are up. Starting Position: Support the weight, fully extend your knee, and unlock the sled. This is your starting position. Lower the Weight:*Slowly lower the sled by bending your hip and knee. Go as low as your flexibility allows while maintaining a stable pelvis. Pause Briefly: At the bottom of the movement, pause for a moment. Return to Start: Extend your hip and knee to push the sled back to the starting position. Switch Legs: Complete all repetitions for one leg before switching to the other leg.

Exercise ID: 00316

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*Remark: The average values are calculated based on exercise data from the Blaze community. For more statistics and analysis, please download the Blaze app.

Leg press on machine with one leg

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Works on iOS 15.0 and above.