Mountain climber with band

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Exercise overview

Primary muscle group: Legs

Exercise type: Bands

Exercise goal: Strength

Key metric: Repetitions

Average reps per set*: 50

Description: Setup: Stand with feet hip-width apart. Wrap a resistance band around both feet. Push-Up Position: Get into a classic push-up position. Hands should be shoulder-width apart and pointing straight at the floor. Keep arms fully extended. Pelvis Adjustment: Slightly lift your pelvis so it is not in a straight line with your feet and upper body. Ensure your upper body is parallel to the floor. Leg Movement: Pull one leg towards your arms, stretching the resistance band. Move from your thigh, not your ankle. Switch Legs: Return the leg to the starting position. As your toes touch the ground, begin moving the other leg forward. Speed and Coordination: Once comfortable, increase the speed. Start moving the second leg before the first leg fully returns. Head Position: Keep your head looking down throughout the exercise.

Exercise ID: 00476

Community rating:

*Remark: The average values are calculated based on exercise data from the Blaze community. For more statistics and analysis, please download the Blaze app.

Mountain climber with band

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